We are currently doing a fundraiser to raise money for making warm meals and building supply kits for our community’s homeless. Last year, all 70 prepared plates got eaten so this year we’re upping our goal to 90 homemade meals! Our supply kits will include necessities like toothbrushes and toothpaste, deodorant, water bottles, and even some hand-knit beanies made by our generous guest Adele! The more money we raise, the more kits we can make so pitch in if you can and help us help our neighbors in need. We’ll be collecting cash donations as well as coats, socks, supplies, warm clothes and blankets until the 23rd of November.

In addition to giving to the homeless, we’ve once again partnered with Olive Crest to collect Christmas gifts for kids in our community. Olive Crest is dedicated to community outreach with a focus on preventing child abuse by providing educational support and a safe place to stay for kids and families in need. Each of the Olive Crest kids have requested one special Christmas gift and its up to us to make sure they get them! Agape has prepared special ornaments featuring each child’s name, age and wish gift. We have them hanging up in the salon waiting for you to come and pick one out. Once you’ve selected your recipient, all you have to do is buy or order the item in a store or online then deliver or have it shipped directly to the salon. What a fun way to play Santa this holiday season, plus you know each kid will be getting exactly what they want! Can’t afford a whole gift (or intimidated by the responsibility)? No worries! We’ll happily accept cash donations that we can put towards remaining gifts for the Olive Crest kids, so give what you can as soon as you can! All gifts and donations must be received by December 7th!

When you support Agape, you support more than just a hair salon; we truly value our community and believe in our mission to care about the world around us. YOU are an integral part of that family and mission, so Thank You!!

, This month is all about giving!
, This month is all about giving!